In light of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013, while GRI does not have specified responsibilities as per the Act,  the Trustees and the Programmes Committee have adopted this policy to indicate their commitment to the prevention of sexual harassment of any kind, and to offer protocols should such untoward incidents occur.

Any complaint of sexual harassment  may be brought to the notice of the Directorate of the workshop/Event who will in turn forward it immediately to the chairperson of the Internal Committee of GRI for further action as may be appropriate. The complainant may approach th IC directly. 

The current members of GRI Internal Committee are

Rosemary Viswanath - Chair of Internal Committee

Sunitha Lal - Member

Ganesh Anantharaman - Member

Kunal Ambasta - Member (External) 

Please write to  and /or message Rosemary, Chair Internal Committee at +91 9845403773 to place a complaint.